Issue #19 – Spring 2019

Liminality: A Magazine of Speculative Poetry

Issue #19 – Spring 2019

Table of Contents

Stone – David Rogers

Trees and What They Whisper  –  Lynette Mejía

Lady Macbeth’s Green Gown   –    Jacqueline West

to put aside all fear   –    Jennifer Mace

An Automatic Cajachina    –    Michael Díaz Feito

After the Faeries   –   Hilary Biehl

Train Graffiti    –  Gretchen Tessmer

I’m Dousing Myself in Kerosene  –   Ariel Pershman

Fox Thoughts  –  Rayn Epremian

The Reliquary – Deborah L. Davitt

The Night the Unicorn Leapt from the Tapestry – Kate Pentecost

The Goddess of Laying Words Down One By One – Neile Graham

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