Loaf Mass

Loaf Mass – Hayley Arrington

July’s end
and summer
truly arrives

A celebration
of yellow corn
and homemade bread

Friends together
corn hole
ping pong
eating our couscous
and grilled corn…
Alike in function
if not in form
as those communities
of old
who praised
John Barleycorn
and the Mother of Fields

Both celebrations
end with a thanks
to our King for a Day
but ours has many a tale to tell
over blackberry pie a la mode
and won’t be found
centuries from now
throat cut
in a bog

Hayley Arrington is a mythologist, poet, and writer. Her writings have appeared in various publications online and in print, including Eternal Haunted Summer, Goddess When She Rules: Expressions by Contemporary Women, Inanna’s Ascent, SageWoman Magazine, and elsewhere. Hayley is from the greater Los Angeles Area, where she lives with her husband and son. Read her Arthurian Witch blog at loathlylady.wordpress.com.