
Jonathan Lenore Kastin

He lifts me from the bed of my desire,
rib by rib,
unlaces my mouth
the better to swallow the seed of his oblivion,
those dog days
when candles lap at our wrists.
Sweeter than apples,
I sew his tempests
into the meat of my thighs
until the spirit overcomes me
and I am an ash tree cradling worlds,
a ship of nails cut loose on the tide,
and love is a hanged god, laughing.

Jonathan Lenore Kastin earned his MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. His poems can be found in Mythic Delirium, Goblin Fruit, and Abyss & Apex. He lives with a murderous cat, too many books, and a frightening number of skulls.