Two Kinds of People

Two Kinds of People
Shana Ross

Here’s another duality: there are those who learn
Time travel is possible, and instantly realize their losses,
However overbearing the grief
That has ripped at hidden flesh and still gnaws,

Rat king curled in your throat. These deaths, inextricable
From our lives, which have grown on,
However twisted and scarred. The absence of
Your loved ones will be subsumed

In the sudden possibility, the pain
Releases like an orgasm and acceptance is total
In the moment we reject the undoing.
And then there’s the other kind of people,

Those who would stop at nothing to bring their loved ones back.
The silence means you are asking yourself, now.

Shana Ross is a poet and playwright with a BA and MBA from Yale University.  She bought her first computer working the graveyard shift in a windchime factory, and now pays her bills as a consultant and leadership expert.  Since resuming her writing career in 2018, she has accumulated over twenty publication credits, including Anapest Journal, Chautauqua Journal, Ghost City Review, Mad Scientist Journal, The Sunlight Press, and Writers Resist.   She is the recipient of a 2019 Parent-Writer Fellowship to Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, and serves as an editor for Luna Station Quarterly.