

Sandi Leibowitz


Come sing to me a song, Neddir,
of time and the unburning worlds
for my mind dims
and I would remember.

Come, Neddir, let the notes of your flute
enter my mouth, renew my breath,
let your heart’s drum startle
my heart awake.

Would you learn the secrets of the dark beyond?
I will share with you the stones’ slow speech,
loosen my tongue with
worm-moistened syllables.

But first, sing to me of April’s greening
for I feel the clutch of roots
but cannot sense the buds unfurling.
I have become December’s daughter.

Come, Neddir, bend close to my grave,
let your sighs warm my flesh
that has grown so cold,
reach down and bring me forth.

For I grow weak but love is strong,
and there’s no comfort
in forgetting.




Sandi Leibowitz is a school librarian, classical singer and writer of speculative poetry and fiction.  Her works appear in places like Mythic Delirium, Strange Horizons, Stone Telling and Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year 5.  A child of autumn known to consort with puppets, dragons and ghost-dogs, she invites you to visit her In the Raven’s Wood at www.sandileibowitz.com.

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