Editorial – Spring 2020

Spring 2020


I certainly did not see this coming.

I anticipate a lot of pandemic/apocalypse poetry coming in soon! But this issue was assembled in advance. We do, nonetheless, bring you a haunted spring. (As always? As often, at least. We’re a haunted magazine.)

The sun is returning, even though we’re mostly enjoying it from indoors; I planted crocuses and alliums for the first time, and they’re starting to peek out. The natural world goes on even as the human world grinds to an unprecedented halt.

(Perfect time to catch up on your reading – we have a bunch of back issues!)

In that spirit, we begin this issue with an insect suite! And we continue through witches, through bodies, through song. I would say “all of our poets this issue come from countries impacted by COVID-19”, but that’s sort of meaningless now, right? Nonetheless, when sending proofs, I briefly thought “I hope they’re okay” to every one of them.

I hope you’re okay, reader.

Our cover art this issue is by David Dyte, who’s been walking through a deserted New York City. You can see more of his images here; it’s eerie to see the place so empty. Eerie, but good, because it means that people are doing as they should and staying inside!

Still. It looks wrong.

We’re not going back to “normal” after this. This is a historical moment, and everything after will be different. But I hope that we carry that standard forward: band together. Protect the vulnerable. Sing. Share your art. Connect with the world.

Stay safe. Wash your hands. See you in the summer.