Editorial – Winter 2019-20

Winter 2019-20

The longest night has ended, and as bleak as it may look – and feel – outdoors, the light will return. It’s been a difficult year for a lot of us, but it is drawing to a close.

This issue, fittingly, is a bit about endings. It’s a bit about loss, a bit about anger, a bit about hunger, and… a little bit more. Re-reading what I’d assembled, I wondered if I’d accidentally assembled a horror issue! But maybe that’s just the effect winter has on me; I am a warm-weather creature.

So we’ll expand in the summer issue, but for now, we contract. Pull in, pull up the blankets, and settle in with this issue’s poems!

Your faithful editrix,

Shira Lipkin
who hopes that you will forgive the brevity of this
as winter also means illness, and they are beset