Editorial (Autumn 2017)

Mattie Joiner & Shira Lipkin

Welcome to our thirteenth issue: a number we hope is lucky! We couldn’t resist the temptation to give you a double issue this fall to celebrate three years of bringing you the best in speculative poetry; it’s truly our privilege to be able to present it to you. Here you will find witches navigating high school or gathering weeds; you’ll meet Janus on the psychiatrist’s couch, and a cataloguer of ghosts. There are musings on colour: the white of ravens’ eggs and the blue of glass. There are reversals. Persephone steals Death away. The Magic 8-Ball can’t be bothered to answer your questions. And if Great Cthulhu is a bit too busy to rise right now, Poseidon is all too happy to oblige…

Happy reading and happy autumn,
Mattie and Shira, Editors